tml christmas. but i workin. lol. i gotten a few presens this year frm my mac de. seee. which is one reason y i love workin at mac. everybody like one big family. i still remember when i was sec 3 on my bifdae, yen yen ask e counter crew 2 sing me a birthday song. lol. heeee.
but my best christmas presen ish when dear dear say he like my presen. lol. i was kinda scared tt he wont like it. cos i made it myself n ish kinda sloppy(to me). but yeah so happy. heee. n ytd went out wif him. he say i dress veri nice. lol. much girlish, mind eu. lol. he say keep up e work.
aniwae tokin bout e fri exam. okie. i shld be noe how to do but i jus didnt study. was rather surprised tt when it was 10am onli. everybodi started 2 rise up their hands 2 hand up e paper. haa . i oso handed lor. since i finished n ish no use in starin at e paper. this china ger sittin in front of me, was oredi scribbling awae even b4 e test starts. BITCH!
i bought myself a bag which ish carried sideways. e kind where by is clip on2 ur arm pit?? lol. n a gundam model 4 my bro which is 39.60dollar. okie. but there ish term n condition.
1.no computer n xbox for 3 days
2.only gameboy is allowed bt if mother say stop mean stop
3.no lookin pathetic, sad, angry, irritated
4.dun cum n piss me, sis n my mother off
lol. aint i a good sister?
aniwae my wish 4 christmas ish tt my face 2 get better. now ish like i gt everyting i ever wanted. i haf my dear dear by myside n hu loves me alot. i have friends hu care 4 me n wanna haf fun wif me. haa. i shld be rather contented le.
[ maybbelline sweethearrt , i need 2 say eu r topidddz. diaozz. omg omg omg. lol. muackx muackx. hugz. nice hair. but be girly abit la. hee. ]
tml christmas. but i workin. lol. i gotten a few presens this year frm my mac de. seee. which is one reason y i love workin at mac. everybody like one big family. i still remember when i was sec 3 on my bifdae, yen yen ask e counter crew 2 sing me a birthday song. lol. heeee.
but my best christmas presen ish when dear dear say he like my presen. lol. i was kinda scared tt he wont like it. cos i made it myself n ish kinda sloppy(to me). but yeah so happy. heee. n ytd went out wif him. he say i dress veri nice. lol. much girlish, mind eu. lol. he say keep up e work.
aniwae tokin bout e fri exam. okie. i shld be noe how to do but i jus didnt study. was rather surprised tt when it was 10am onli. everybodi started 2 rise up their hands 2 hand up e paper. haa . i oso handed lor. since i finished n ish no use in starin at e paper. this china ger sittin in front of me, was oredi scribbling awae even b4 e test starts. BITCH!
i bought myself a bag which ish carried sideways. e kind where by is clip on2 ur arm pit?? lol. n a gundam model 4 my bro which is 39.60dollar. okie. but there ish term n condition.
1.no computer n xbox for 3 days
2.only gameboy is allowed bt if mother say stop mean stop
3.no lookin pathetic, sad, angry, irritated
4.dun cum n piss me, sis n my mother off
lol. aint i a good sister?
aniwae my wish 4 christmas ish tt my face 2 get better. now ish like i gt everyting i ever wanted. i haf my dear dear by myside n hu loves me alot. i have friends hu care 4 me n wanna haf fun wif me. haa. i shld be rather contented le.
[ maybbelline sweethearrt , i need 2 say eu r topidddz. diaozz. omg omg omg. lol. muackx muackx. hugz. nice hair. but be girly abit la. hee. ]