
is quite fun to have people surrounding me and listen to me talk.
talk about ghosts.
zhi bin is soooo easily scared.
anyone who just tap him on his shoulder, he would jump and shout.
diaos. which in turn scared me and my friends.
diaos. diaos. diaos.

pei ci told us a story.

she was the boy bridgades officer.
one night they were having camp in a school.
she and 2 of another officers were walking past the school office.
there were nobody but them.
suddenly one of them heard a noise.
a very weird noise.
it was said that the school office once had a principal who died there.
so they were started running.
they ran to a place where there is alot of people.
and pei ci asked one of the officer why he ran.
he said cos he heard a very weird noise.
then the 3rd one said " actually i just farted jus now"

kkays. to me is quite funny lars.


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