i just found herman's photoSSS in my phone.
LOLS. sibeh act cute lors.
ikea was huge man.
damn lots of people.
but was quite fun going there.
ii bought 2 mini cactus, a frying pan, an alarm clock.
and we got this 4 freee.

they were giving it out.
and me and yi xiang went to different person to take.
LOLS. so there is total of 6. but he took 3.
and yi xiang ate one whole 500gram tube of ice cream.
met up with xiao ying.
she can predict the future.
so anyone who wants to have their future read.
tell me, i can refer you to her.
do what you think you shld do.
do not hesitate.
cos the longer you wait, the worst it will get.

the ugliest santa claus i have ever seen.
LOLS. sibeh act cute lors.
ikea was huge man.
damn lots of people.
but was quite fun going there.
ii bought 2 mini cactus, a frying pan, an alarm clock.
and we got this 4 freee.

they were giving it out.
and me and yi xiang went to different person to take.
LOLS. so there is total of 6. but he took 3.
and yi xiang ate one whole 500gram tube of ice cream.
met up with xiao ying.
she can predict the future.
so anyone who wants to have their future read.
tell me, i can refer you to her.
do what you think you shld do.
do not hesitate.
cos the longer you wait, the worst it will get.

the ugliest santa claus i have ever seen.