today work was ______________ ( to be continued )
i was down with 1/2 riders. so i was left with only 1 rider having to send ALL ORDERS. that was in the afternoon not so bad. but still ! i have to call the rider company.
around 3plus, i call say i down 1 rider. 1 rider oredi extend so you have to send me one more rider. the guy who said his name was amin, when he was suposed to be eddie say okok, find one more rider. before 4pm, i called ask where is the rider, say he reached at 430pm.
okays. i waited 430pm, no news. my rider wanto go back liao, bo bian let him go back. i called the company again, AMIN said his rider will reach aroun 515 or 510 cos he lost his way. so FINE. i waited. and no response, i called again. when talking half way, he said my rider on the next line, wait i call you back. BULL SHIT. you nv call me back. wad kind of fucking company are you. i called later, you nv pick up. CHEE BYE.
riders oso complained say you fucked up company. rider only got 1 shirt oso dun care. let them go home and to wash straight, if raining how. late payment of salary or salah salary. NO RESPONSIBLILTY AT ALL. TMD.
luckily till 6pm, rozamine came in. but still down riders lar. pple late. late i got nth to say cos come back from skool. OKAY LOR. i set my timing till 90min okays. still got so many orders come in. 1 whole patch of grasses. i oredi tried to send 2 orders by 2 orders. i OREDI TRIED MY FUCKING BEST. work like dog lar, even *tootz tootz* oso agreed. i was like sweating like hell and outside counter oso a lot of pple. so wad if sales are good, and i have more rcip. i dun care! got money, no time to spend oso like tt. if i have to work like shit to get more money, den i dun wan! be crew or fm better, dun feel like working say i wanto punch out.

luckily i is go back 9pm. i noe i am a fucker and keep on complaining i wanto go back. and is true wad, if you pay me OT i work lar. but i did helped to 930 when the 930 crews came in. so i still got xin. but not alot of xin.
okays my dar said mus blog bout him.mus blog bout him bout his lj very big. oops. I LOVE YOU DAR. I WILL MARRY YOU.
( continued ) FUCKED UP!
i was down with 1/2 riders. so i was left with only 1 rider having to send ALL ORDERS. that was in the afternoon not so bad. but still ! i have to call the rider company.
around 3plus, i call say i down 1 rider. 1 rider oredi extend so you have to send me one more rider. the guy who said his name was amin, when he was suposed to be eddie say okok, find one more rider. before 4pm, i called ask where is the rider, say he reached at 430pm.
okays. i waited 430pm, no news. my rider wanto go back liao, bo bian let him go back. i called the company again, AMIN said his rider will reach aroun 515 or 510 cos he lost his way. so FINE. i waited. and no response, i called again. when talking half way, he said my rider on the next line, wait i call you back. BULL SHIT. you nv call me back. wad kind of fucking company are you. i called later, you nv pick up. CHEE BYE.
riders oso complained say you fucked up company. rider only got 1 shirt oso dun care. let them go home and to wash straight, if raining how. late payment of salary or salah salary. NO RESPONSIBLILTY AT ALL. TMD.
luckily till 6pm, rozamine came in. but still down riders lar. pple late. late i got nth to say cos come back from skool. OKAY LOR. i set my timing till 90min okays. still got so many orders come in. 1 whole patch of grasses. i oredi tried to send 2 orders by 2 orders. i OREDI TRIED MY FUCKING BEST. work like dog lar, even *tootz tootz* oso agreed. i was like sweating like hell and outside counter oso a lot of pple. so wad if sales are good, and i have more rcip. i dun care! got money, no time to spend oso like tt. if i have to work like shit to get more money, den i dun wan! be crew or fm better, dun feel like working say i wanto punch out.

luckily i is go back 9pm. i noe i am a fucker and keep on complaining i wanto go back. and is true wad, if you pay me OT i work lar. but i did helped to 930 when the 930 crews came in. so i still got xin. but not alot of xin.
okays my dar said mus blog bout him.
( continued ) FUCKED UP!