Today met up with weee weeeeee, lard, jj, joey ( who is somehow, always sticking beside jj, hmmm ), ruz and sandiieee. At first say go seoul garden, den say go swensens, den in the end go seoul garden.
we had fun eating, chit chatting. i tink lard ate the most. and he reali ate alot, seriously. Each updated with wad they were doing. and blah blah blah. all looks the same, except wee weee, different with long-er hair and sandiieee so pretty with her long-er hair too. maybe i shld grow long-er hair too.
:O ruz is still working at mccafe. den got one crazy idea, arbo i go work mccafe oso but den transport. lool. anyway i kept tt in myself. so today was just a makaning session, and i hope there will be more to come! so WEEE WEEEE PLS ORGANISE. i enjoyed eating with the old gang. have it once a month, kkays?
one ting saddening is jane didnt come today.
so schedule is out! and i got more CMs which was wad i requested. and only 1 opening! woooots. thou opening is good cos can go home early but need to wake up early sia. D:
it was till today i realized, i miss my poly life with them.
my ma asked me whether i wanto open chalet on my 21st birthday and it was YESSSS.