We went to Everland. My mummy said it was rated the whole world number 4.

My brother didn't dare to sit any of the roller coaster, even the kiddy ones too. We managed to ask him to sit two rides. After sitting the kiddy one, he said he was dizzy. And my mummy only went for one ride, understandable. But she machiam sleeping from the back.

The small world ride totally sucks! My sister and I were like trying to move the boat faster. Apparently, there wasn't many people who took the ride. And it was slow till the fact that 2 boats behind us were already catching up and hitting on to ours.

This roller coaster is the steepest of all, I couldn't remember how steep it was. But it was the most horrifying among all, you have to wait for 40minutes for just this 2minutes ride. But it was the best ride too.

The shopping was fabulous, however, we should have not gone for winter season as all the clothes they are selling were for cold weather but still, we did bought some clothes. Cheap cheap cheap, one skirt can cost only $6, or a pair of jeans $10. The food sold in supermarkets, cheap cheap cheap. One packet of juice: $1.10 only. Compared to ours, at least $2.20.
Adidas, Puma, Converse, Nike, over there are very cheap too. The places that we normally go, are Mingdong, Dongdameng and ...... I can't remember.

Traveling by the subway is very much cheaper but it is tiring as you have to climb many stairs. So be sure to ensure the correct exits, ( they have like 5 or 6 or even more exits to one station ), go wrong, then walk back again.
Oh ya, and it snowed at night on the day when we left Seoul in the morning.

My brother didn't dare to sit any of the roller coaster, even the kiddy ones too. We managed to ask him to sit two rides. After sitting the kiddy one, he said he was dizzy. And my mummy only went for one ride, understandable. But she machiam sleeping from the back.

The small world ride totally sucks! My sister and I were like trying to move the boat faster. Apparently, there wasn't many people who took the ride. And it was slow till the fact that 2 boats behind us were already catching up and hitting on to ours.

This roller coaster is the steepest of all, I couldn't remember how steep it was. But it was the most horrifying among all, you have to wait for 40minutes for just this 2minutes ride. But it was the best ride too.

The shopping was fabulous, however, we should have not gone for winter season as all the clothes they are selling were for cold weather but still, we did bought some clothes. Cheap cheap cheap, one skirt can cost only $6, or a pair of jeans $10. The food sold in supermarkets, cheap cheap cheap. One packet of juice: $1.10 only. Compared to ours, at least $2.20.
Adidas, Puma, Converse, Nike, over there are very cheap too. The places that we normally go, are Mingdong, Dongdameng and ...... I can't remember.

Traveling by the subway is very much cheaper but it is tiring as you have to climb many stairs. So be sure to ensure the correct exits, ( they have like 5 or 6 or even more exits to one station ), go wrong, then walk back again.
Oh ya, and it snowed at night on the day when we left Seoul in the morning.