On Tuesday night, BF came over and accompany me overnight. In which he came over to my house and waited for me to bathe then we went out. Initally, he didnt want to come in and said that he could just wait for me at the stairs. But, haha.
Spent the whole Wednesday afternoon, slacking at his house, and I downloaded games for my DS, I have started playing San Guo. Quite fun lei. Had Hotpot for dinner, and is totally different when there is no free flow of drinks and free flow of drinks.

Spent the whole Wednesday afternoon, slacking at his house, and I downloaded games for my DS, I have started playing San Guo. Quite fun lei. Had Hotpot for dinner, and is totally different when there is no free flow of drinks and free flow of drinks.
For your info, Hotpot is located at Marina Square, Lvl 1, beside Thai Express and Secret Recipe.
1 person: $19.80 ++
Please apply for membership at their website, so as to have free flow of drinks.
If not, even plain water you will have to pay 50cents for each.
If not, even plain water you will have to pay 50cents for each.
And membership is for free!
It is really worth it.
And I bought these strawberries.

Arent they huge! My mummy was like, "wah! so big ah, if all are these big, there will only be 5 or 6 strawberries in one box." I showed it to BF, and he claimed that I was just making a big fuss about it, as he had seen even bigger ones. But COME ON, where can you find such huge strawberries. They are only, 4dollars for each box! Sweet too.
They can only be found outside Tampines MRT Station, at night. And not every night, and even if they do sell, they may not even have strawberries. 1 box : 4dollars, I think is cheap already.
Back to work, tml! Har, how off days passed by so quicky.