New Blog Skin

Suddenly feel like changing blog skin even when my blog has been rotting for quite awhile already. I have been using QQ, which is the one whereby most China people blog. ( Maybe is not most, but all China people ). Its quite fun actually, to blog in Chinese as I usually speak in Chinese and express myself in Chinese. For example, 鸡白

Work sucks! Schedule me midnight shift everyday! I don't have to face many customers, many crews, gapbusters and bosses travel. Been backstabbed, been complaint about, been disliked. Oh well, but I don't mean it at all. And so I said sorry to like a few people. Im not in the wrong, just that I don't wish to have all the grudges and everything. Just want everyone to be honest with each other. Should I get transfer? But Im afraid of the new environment and people.

I have to tolerate and wait till June. My birthday and Im be taking leave. No need to work, I won't step into the store for a few days. And then save money, till August, and go to China with Youlin. If possible, to take 1 mth off. How I wish is possible! But for now, to save money! Jiayous.

命是由人,不由天.而是由自己, 不由别人.


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