HI ~ !
Hello Blog, it has been a long time since I have been here. I can't seem to find the motivation to blog as often as I did in the past. Could it be due to the fact that I have entered the working society, or I am just plain lazy?
Well, I was searching for a new blogskin for you, but I gave up searching after browsing through a few pages. Compared to the last time, whereby I can spend hours and hours to get you a new blogskin. I wonder why.
It's a brand new year 2011(and yes, I do know that Im late by 3 days), but anyway time is passing by so fast, it seems like yesterday I just graduated from polytechnic, seems like I was just 21. And coming this year, Im going to turn 23. Twenty-three! Another 2 years I will be 25. 25 seems old, it seems like 25, I would really be an adult and have all the problems such as getting married, my job, my staying, my entertainment. I couldn't possibly be playing Audition at the age of 25. Even though there is people at their thirties still playing Audition, but not for me! I hope, at least.
2010 is gone, changed boyfriend, new friends and new problems arise. Crying has been a part of my life, smoking and drinking has becoming a habit. I have grown fatter too. I want to lose weight! I want to cut down on drinking and smoking. I want to be happier in 2011 than in 2010. I want to do the way that I want it to be, for my life. Never to regret in the decisions that Im making. Only to blame myself, and no one else. Friends are important, caring and loving them for who they are. Friends who are not important, can fuck off.
Working in McDonalds is fun and relaxed. It is becoming my 2nd home, even though certain colleagues are still pain in the ass, but my tolerance is there. I will not have second thoughts in changing job, as I believe, working else where, won't have the same kind of atmosphere that Im having now. `Family`.
Love life is damn freaking complicated. I love him, he loves me. He's 4 hours by plane away from me. We can only see each other twice per year, if by any chance, he can find a job in SG this year, we can meet more often. To have faith and trust is simply hard, as he's not here with me. But Im trying my best to. Loving him has given me lots of problems, not only to me, but my parents too. I always wonder what will happen in the future. If my parents do not allow, will I just leave and be with him or I will end it. Somehow, my heart is telling me that I will just leave everything behind and be with him. I don't know, of course, I shall hope for the better.
I miss him.
Im hungry now.
I shall go sleep, have to wake up at 12 to give Kenny a call, so that he can pick me up to store.
Happy new year, everyone! (: ( To those who happened to pass by here ! )
Well, I was searching for a new blogskin for you, but I gave up searching after browsing through a few pages. Compared to the last time, whereby I can spend hours and hours to get you a new blogskin. I wonder why.
It's a brand new year 2011(and yes, I do know that Im late by 3 days), but anyway time is passing by so fast, it seems like yesterday I just graduated from polytechnic, seems like I was just 21. And coming this year, Im going to turn 23. Twenty-three! Another 2 years I will be 25. 25 seems old, it seems like 25, I would really be an adult and have all the problems such as getting married, my job, my staying, my entertainment. I couldn't possibly be playing Audition at the age of 25. Even though there is people at their thirties still playing Audition, but not for me! I hope, at least.
2010 is gone, changed boyfriend, new friends and new problems arise. Crying has been a part of my life, smoking and drinking has becoming a habit. I have grown fatter too. I want to lose weight! I want to cut down on drinking and smoking. I want to be happier in 2011 than in 2010. I want to do the way that I want it to be, for my life. Never to regret in the decisions that Im making. Only to blame myself, and no one else. Friends are important, caring and loving them for who they are. Friends who are not important, can fuck off.
Working in McDonalds is fun and relaxed. It is becoming my 2nd home, even though certain colleagues are still pain in the ass, but my tolerance is there. I will not have second thoughts in changing job, as I believe, working else where, won't have the same kind of atmosphere that Im having now. `Family`.
Love life is damn freaking complicated. I love him, he loves me. He's 4 hours by plane away from me. We can only see each other twice per year, if by any chance, he can find a job in SG this year, we can meet more often. To have faith and trust is simply hard, as he's not here with me. But Im trying my best to. Loving him has given me lots of problems, not only to me, but my parents too. I always wonder what will happen in the future. If my parents do not allow, will I just leave and be with him or I will end it. Somehow, my heart is telling me that I will just leave everything behind and be with him. I don't know, of course, I shall hope for the better.
I miss him.
Im hungry now.
I shall go sleep, have to wake up at 12 to give Kenny a call, so that he can pick me up to store.
Happy new year, everyone! (: ( To those who happened to pass by here ! )