Hello, I am here, like after so long. There wasn't dates on the blog so I didn't bother to check too.


Nothing has changed. Other than me getting fatter, which is very bad thing. Somehow I have the determination to lose weight. Drinking definitely has to cut down and its also making a hole in my pocket. I really got to be determined. But come to think of it, what is the point of saving. LOL. Oh well, still must save.

Work has always been good. Colleagues are treating me very well. Apparently, my bosses think  highly of me. But Im afraid that I may disappoint them, nevertheless, JIAYOUS! I am just happy that I am enjoying my job now even though sometimes it can be rather boring but still, in whichever line, I guess its the same.

Friends are good too. Been hanging out with Jess, Fion, Pris, Wee and Joey. They are all nice people. Joey is nice too, he always pays for beer. But Im not using him, I will pay/treat him whenever I can. Well, Jess, sometimes I can't stand her. She is too atas, going out with her, definitely have to spend slightly more. She is more of a restaurant and cab person. Even though, sharing cab costs us like 8 dollars, but with this 8 dollars, I can take 3 bus rides to work, top up another 2 dollar for a packet of cigarettes. Small amounts accumulate to big amounts. And I hate it when she says that she got no money too. Weeeellll, you are earning at least twice than me, have your own house, branded goods. So don't compare with me. Sometimes I feel like strangling her, but with her character, why bother. But I still love her, though she can be such an ass at times. Unlike Fion, she understands me. Maybe which is why sometimes I complain to her about Jess, she gets angry cos she will be " Why you keep going her way?" Haha, very nice lady. Hope she and Joey can be together, though age is definitely a problem. But I believe, they really love each other, any obstacles can get past. But still, its still up to them. Wee, broke off with his gf from Vietnam, of 3 years. He's doing rather good in his insurance line. So I hope he can help me GROW GROW GROW my CPF money. Hahahaahaahaha, he actually said that when he was drunk, when he broke up on that day. GROW LIKE A TREE. Totally hilarious.

I guess that's it. Anyway I didn't plan to blog as I was updating the Iphone software, thus, unable to use the phone. But its still nice to blog out some stuffs.

Alright Blog, catch you some other time.


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