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I get cranky when :
1. I do not get enough sleep
2. I have to wake up early just to go work ( if is going out and have fun, I do not mind )
3. People nag at me, not for the reason that I have done something wrong, just that they are plain pissed with something that does not have anything that got to do with me
4. I have pimples popping out ( I am glad to say that my skin has gotten much much better, but still occasionally there may be some )
5. It is my first and second day of menses
6. I have to go out and meet people at places that are further than City Hall at the Mrt Line
7. I lose 80% of the rounds that I played in Audition
Okay la, not that bad.
Stock take at month end was super bad. Maybe is due to the fact that I have not really grasp the "thing" in troubleshooting. But I tried for like hours and could not get it. I rather study and do examinations, etc than do stock take. It is so fucking tedious -_-|||
And have decided to delete my noob blog shop since nobody views it anyway. Though there is one day whereby I have like 145 unique views. Lol, which I do not know how but no responses at all except from one WEE WEE at tagboard requesting whether he can laugh or not. I decided not to sell but if you are interested in

and this

I am willing to sell it off. The second one can move de and got sound. The first one can move but a bit lame. 1st one selling at $30 and the 2nd one at $40. All original. If you want to buy both, the price is $55. Do contact me at 96643269.
1. I do not get enough sleep
2. I have to wake up early just to go work ( if is going out and have fun, I do not mind )
3. People nag at me, not for the reason that I have done something wrong, just that they are plain pissed with something that does not have anything that got to do with me
4. I have pimples popping out ( I am glad to say that my skin has gotten much much better, but still occasionally there may be some )
5. It is my first and second day of menses
6. I have to go out and meet people at places that are further than City Hall at the Mrt Line
7. I lose 80% of the rounds that I played in Audition
Okay la, not that bad.
Stock take at month end was super bad. Maybe is due to the fact that I have not really grasp the "thing" in troubleshooting. But I tried for like hours and could not get it. I rather study and do examinations, etc than do stock take. It is so fucking tedious -_-|||
And have decided to delete my noob blog shop since nobody views it anyway. Though there is one day whereby I have like 145 unique views. Lol, which I do not know how but no responses at all except from one WEE WEE at tagboard requesting whether he can laugh or not. I decided not to sell but if you are interested in

and this

I am willing to sell it off. The second one can move de and got sound. The first one can move but a bit lame. 1st one selling at $30 and the 2nd one at $40. All original. If you want to buy both, the price is $55. Do contact me at 96643269.