Round 1
Contestants: Farhan, Joann and Tamil
Fear Factor: To swallow down one whole packet of Wasabi Shaker at one go
All of us were laughing and crapping, it took us quite awhile to get it down to our throats. It was moment of silence when the Wasabi Shaker landed on our tongue. I went to the backsink and puke it out. It was so freaking gross. You can feel your tongue stinging. Farhan was "URGH, URGH". Tamil's face was horrifying. Lol. But somehow we all agreed that at the final taste, it tasted more of the Seaweed Shaker than the Wasabi Shaker.
Round 2
Contestants: Farhan, Shari and Hazmi
Fear Factor: To swallow one darnish plate of Wasabi Shaker at one go ( This was Shari's idea, he was like " Just now you all play right, nothing to do is it ". Some how he also wanted to play thus Round 2 )

Meet Blooger sth sth sth. Its name is very long but I think is cute though. Finally, something that I really like from McDonald's Happy Meal Toy.

Contestants: Farhan, Joann and Tamil
Fear Factor: To swallow down one whole packet of Wasabi Shaker at one go
All of us were laughing and crapping, it took us quite awhile to get it down to our throats. It was moment of silence when the Wasabi Shaker landed on our tongue. I went to the backsink and puke it out. It was so freaking gross. You can feel your tongue stinging. Farhan was "URGH, URGH". Tamil's face was horrifying. Lol. But somehow we all agreed that at the final taste, it tasted more of the Seaweed Shaker than the Wasabi Shaker.
Round 2
Contestants: Farhan, Shari and Hazmi
Fear Factor: To swallow one darnish plate of Wasabi Shaker at one go ( This was Shari's idea, he was like " Just now you all play right, nothing to do is it ". Some how he also wanted to play thus Round 2 )
Meet Blooger sth sth sth. Its name is very long but I think is cute though. Finally, something that I really like from McDonald's Happy Meal Toy.