My weekend was spent with GF. After midnight shift, went over to her place and sleep, before that KFC for breakfast. Slept till 2pm, tried to wake GF up but she lazed till 3pm. We went to eat hotpot, not too bad but spicy. Then we went hm and slacked. Watched movies for the whole day, played one round of mahjong with her sis and lost 19dollar. Then back to movies, and ordered pastamania delivery cos GF was hungry and lazy to go out. At night drank abit of beer with her cousin. Her cousin has the same genes as her, talked alot. After that she went hm and we watched movies till 3am and sleep.

The next day we slept til 2plus. We should have enough sleep. We were going for her sis'birthday dinner, it was like a gathering for them too. The steamboat was not as delicious but well, the food is standard la. After eating, went back to her place and cut cake. They really have the bond, im like some extra. They all know each other so well. So yeah. Slack again under her block and at my block.

Then we went hm. Upcoming days will be work work and work. Just work lo, 过一天算一天.


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