3 Nights of Closing - 4pm to 1am I hate this kind of timing. It is fucked up. You reached home around 2, bathed, sleep. Wake up at around 1 or 2pm, eat, bathe, work. That is all you can do. Practically no life at all. And tonight was supposed to be my 4th night of closing but last minute call, I was assigned to do C2. At least today's a Sunday. :D

What people says, speaks, everything that you can hear. It influences you. Even though you may not witness it with your own naked eyes but it just influences you, and affects your thinking about someone, something, anything. What to do? Humans are born this way. You may not want to care, but deep down, you are caring, just that you do not realize it.

I am kind of tired, couldn't sleep last night, woke up around 7am, trying to find the correct posture back but failed. I want today's work to be over so that I could go out and have some fun tomorrow, ( there are new designs at the claw shop ) I know there is a meeting tomorrow, but I don't want to go. I know there is a patch outing on the Weds, but I am working midnight. But I know the true reason behind it is that I just do not want to go.

I am an anti-social person. I only mix with certain people.


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